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Serdal Şimşek

EBRU ARTISTS | Türkiye Serdal Şimşek

« Art; It is a need, perhaps a kind of food, for the kind-spirited people. In general, it is a beauty that more or less everyone cannot ignore. It is also possible to see art as a form of communication. It is also known that art has important contributions to human education. I think it would be meaningful to add art to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. »

Serdal ŞİMŞEK / Marbling Artist / Turkey

He was born in 1980 in Konya. Since 2014, he started learning Ebru from the traditional Turkish Ebru master, T. Alparslan Babaoğlu, at KTSV. He was deemed worthy of ratification in 2020 and received Ebru ratification from his teacher, Alparslan Babaoğlu.
In 2019, he gave his Master's Thesis on "master-apprentice relationship" in Traditional Turkish Arts. In 2020, an English article on "master-apprentice relationship" in Traditional Turkish Arts was published in a refereed journal.
In the 2016 Future Masters competition, exhibition; In the 2017 Yedi Tepe Yedi Sanat International Istanbul Classical Arts Competition, Incentive; Received Incentive Awards in 2017 Karesi Skilled Hands Traditional Arts Competition.
His works were exhibited at the Yeditepe Biennial under the auspices of İSMEK and KTSV.

Serdal Şimşek

All artworks by Serdal Şimşek