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Hakkı Bora


« The artist must be free. Values such as subject, size, color, pattern, etc. should not be imposed. Let our artist produce as he feels. Our elders said, "Ingenuity is subject to compliment." When the works produced by the artist are evaluated, they gain more value. »

Hakkı Bora / Painter / Calligraphy Artist

He was born in Manisa. After his retirement, he received illumination and miniature training from different masters. While continuing his miniature works, he became acquainted with the art of calligraphy and focused on calligraphy studies due to eye problems. 
He won an honorable mention in the category of miniature in the year of Unesco Mevlana in 2007, and won the second place in the category of miniature in the Classical Arts Contest organized by IBB in 2010. His works were published and exhibited in the Turkish Decorative Arts competition organized by the Ministry of Culture. Along with his participation in various group exhibitions, his works were included in prestigious books in the Istanbul themed competitions of the Classical Arts Association.
He continues his studies in Istanbul.

Hakkı Bora

All artworks by Hakkı Bora