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Burcu Menekşe

EBRU ARTISTS | Türkiye Burcu Menekşe

« Art for me is the most wonderful way to be alone with yourself, to dive into one's own depths, the calmest break that can be taken from the hustle and bustle of daily life. »

Burcu MENEKŞE / Marbling Artist / Turkey

She was born in 1975 in Istanbul. After graduating from the Austrian High School and graduating from Galatasaray University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Menekşe completed the Executive MBA program at Koç University in 2007. After working in corporate life for fifteen years, she has been working her own business since 2015. Her decision to work as a freelancer was an opportunity for her to study and progress in the art of marbling. She has been working on marbling at Feride Dayanç Marbling Workshop since 2015.
Menekşe, like many marbling artists in her workshop, uses the classical marbling technique to make modern marbling works. The figures of men and women, mermaid, and mother nature are the figures that she works with love and pleasure.

Burcu Menekşe

All artworks by Burcu Menekşe