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Alihaydar Murat Kıştan

PAINTER, ISLAMIC ARTISTS | Türkiye Alihaydar Murat Kıştan

« Abstract contains an internal frequency, as the abstract painting mostly speaks of what does not belong to the real world. This abstract effect, which is present in classical calligraphy as well as painting, sometimes seems to have lost its sense of meaning, but actually surprises people and attracts them with its potential to arouse interest. »

Alihaydar Murat KIŞTAN / Painter / Calligrapher / Turkey

He was born in Istanbul. He has been continuing his art workshop, which produces graphics, painting and calligraphy, which he created during his university education, for 20 years without interruption. The artist, who still continues his specialization in Trakya University Visual Culture Department, has works in private collections. He continues his design and art works in his workshop in Istanbul.

Alihaydar Murat Kıştan

All artworks by Alihaydar Murat Kıştan